
Business Ethics Case Studies and Selected Readings 10th Edition Jennings ISBN: 9780357717776 SOLUTION MANUAL


Solution Manual for Business Ethics Case Studies and Selected Readings 10th Edition Jennings


Business Ethics Case Studies and Selected Readings 10th Edition Jennings ISBN: 9780357717776 SOLUTION MANUAL

Solution Manual for Business Ethics Case Studies and Selected Readings, 10th Edition, Marianne M. Jennings, ISBN-10: 0357717775, ISBN-13: 9780357717776

Table of Contents

UNIT 1: Ethical Theory, Philosophical Foundations, Our Reasoning Flaws, Types of Ethical Dilemmas, and You.
SECTION A Understanding Ourselves and Ethical Lapses.
SECTION B Ethical Theory and Philosophical Foundations.
SECTION C The Types of Ethical Dilemmas.
SECTION D Our Reasoning Flaws.
SECTION E Analyzing and Resolving Ethical Dilemmas.

UNIT 2: Solving Ethical Dilemmas in Business.
SECTION A Business, Ethics, and Individuals: How Do They Work Together?
SECTION B What Gets in the Way of Ethical Decisions in Business?
SECTION C Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in Business.

UNIT 3: Business, Stakeholders, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability.
SECTION A Business and Society: The Tough Issues of Economics, Social Responsibility, Stakeholders, and Business.
SECTION B Applying Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Theory.
SECTION C Government as a Stakeholder.

UNIT 4: Ethics and Company Culture.
SECTION A Temptation at Work for Individual Gain and That Credo.
SECTION B The Organizational Behavior Factors.
SECTION C Accounting and Governance Factor.
SECTION D The Psychological and Behavior Factors.
SECTION E The Structural Factors: Governance, Example, and Leadership.
SECTION F Industry Practices and Legal Factors.
SECTION G The Fear-and-Silence Factors.
SECTION H Culture of Goodness.

UNIT 5: Ethics and Contracts.
SECTION A Contract Negotiations: All Is Fair and Conflicting Interests.
SECTION B Promises, Performance, and Reality.

UNIT 6: Ethics in International Business.
SECTION A Conflicts between the Corporation’s Ethics and Business Practices in Foreign Countries.
SECTION B Bribes, Grease Payments, and “When in Rome …”

UNIT 7: Ethics, Business Operations, and Rights.
SECTION A Workplace Safety.
SECTION B Workplace Loyalty.
SECTION C Workplace Diversity and Atmosphere.
SECTION D Tough Issues and Confrontation in the Workplace.

UNIT 8: Ethics and Products.
SECTION A Advertising Content.
SECTION B Product Safety.
SECTION C Product Sales.

UNIT 9: Ethics and Competition.
SECTION A Covenants Not to Compete.
SECTION B All’s Fair, or Is It?
SECTION C Intellectual Property and Ethics.

The Ethical Common Denominator (ECD) Index: The Common Threads of Business Ethics.
Alphabetical Index.
Business Discipline Index.
Product/Company/Individuals Index.
Topic Index.