
Introduction to Homeland Security Principles of All-Hazards Risk Management 6th Edition Haddow ISBN: 9780128171370 TEST BANK


Test Bank for Introduction to Homeland Security Principles of All-Hazards Risk Management 6th Edition Haddow


Introduction to Homeland Security Principles of All-Hazards Risk Management 6th Edition Haddow ISBN: 9780128171370 TEST BANK

Test Bank for Introduction to Homeland Security Principles of All-Hazards Risk Management, 6th Edition, George Haddow, Jane Bullock, Damon Coppola, ISBN: 9780128171387, ISBN: 9780128171370

Table of Contents

(Chapter 02 – 12)

Chapter 1. Homeland security: the concept, the organization (Test Bank NOT available for ch01)
Chapter 2. Historic overview of the terrorist threat
Chapter 3. Hazards
Chapter 4. Governmental homeland security structures
Chapter 5. Intelligence counterterrorism

Chapter 6. Border security, immigration, and customs enforcement
Chapter 7. Transportation safety and security
Chapter 8. Cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection
Chapter 9. All-hazards emergency response and recovery
Chapter 10. Mitigation, prevention, and preparedness

Chapter 11. Communications
Chapter 12. Science and technology
Chapter 13. The future of homeland security (Test Bank NOT available for ch13)