Massage Therapy Principles and Practice 6th Edition Salvo ISBN: 9780323597623 TEST BANK
Test Bank for Massage Therapy Principles and Practice 6th Edition Salvo
Massage Therapy Principles and Practice 6th Edition Salvo ISBN: 9780323597623 TEST BANK
Test Bank for Massage Therapy Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, Susan Salvo, ISBN: 9780323597647, ISBN: 9780323581288, ISBN: 9780323597630, ISBN: 9780323597623
Table of Contents
Unit I: Foundations for Practice, Basic and Complementary Methods, and Business Practices
1. History of Massage: Prehistoric Times to the Modern Era and Professional Societies, Organizations, and Associations
2. Therapeutic Relationships
3. Tools of the Trade: Massage Tables, Table Accessories, Linens, Lubricant, and the Treatment Room
4. Career Longevity: Self-Care, Burnout Prevention, and the Wellness Model
5. Evidence Informed Practice and Research Literacy
6. Massage Therapy and Research: A Review of the Literature
7. Body Mechanics, Client Positioning, and Draping
8. Massage Techniques, Joint Mobilizations, and Stretches
9. Standard Precautions, Contraindications, and Emergency Preparedness
10. Professional Standards: Scope of Practice, Assessment, Treatment Planning, Informed Consent, Documentation, and Networking with Health Care Providers
11. Special Populations: Massage for Pregnant Women, Infants, Children, Adolescents, Tactical Athletes and the Military, the Elderly, People with Visual, Hearing, and Mobility Impairments, and Those in Hospice Care
12. Hydrotherapy and Spa
13. Foot Reflexology: Theories and Techniques
14. Clinical Massage
15. Seated Massage: Principles and Practice
16. Asian Bodywork Therapy: Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Ayurvedic Principles, and Chakras
17. Business, Marketing, Accounting, and Finance
Unit II: Anatomy and Physiology
18. Introduction to the Human Body: Cells, Tissues, and the Body Compass
19. Skeletal System and Pathologies
20. Muscular System and Pathologies
21. Kinesiology
22. Integumentary System and Pathologies
23. Nervous System
24. Endocrine System and Pathologies
25. Reproductive System and Pathologies
26. Cardiovascular System and Pathologies
27. Lymphatic System and Pathologies
28. Respiratory System and Pathologies
29. Urinary System and Pathologies
30. Urinary System