
Maternity Nursing 8th Edition Lowdermilk ISBN: 9780323091725 TEST BANK


Test Bank for Maternity Nursing 8th Edition Lowdermilk


Maternity Nursing 8th Edition Lowdermilk ISBN: 9780323091725 TEST BANK

Test Bank for Maternity Nursing, 8th Edition, Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk, Shannon E. Perry, Mary Catherine Cashion, ISBN-10: 0323066615, ISBN-13: 9780323066617, ISBN: 9780323072441, ISBN: 9780323136495, ISBN: 9780323078092, ISBN: 9780323091725

Table of Contents

1. 21st Century Maternity Nursing: Culturally Competent, Family and Community Focused

Unit One: Reproductive Years

2. Assessment and Health Promotion

3. Common Concerns

4. Contraception, Abortion, and Infertility

Unit Two: Pregnancy

5. Genetics, Conception, and Fetal Development

6. Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy

7. Nursing Care of the Family during Pregnancy

8. Maternal and Fetal Nutrition

Unit Three: Childbirth

9. Labor and Birth Processes

10. Management of Discomfort

11. Fetal Assessment during Labor

12. Nursing Care of the Family during Labor and Birth

Unit Four: Postpartum Period

13. Maternal Physiologic Changes

14. Nursing Care of the Family during the Fourth Trimester

15. Transition to Parenthood

Unit Five: The Newborn

16. Physiologic and Behavioral Adaptations

17. Assessment and Care of the Newborn and Family

18. Newborn Nutrition and Feeding

Unit Six: Complications of Childbearing

19. Assessment of High Risk Pregnancy

20. Pregnancy at Risk: Preexisting Conditions

21. Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational Conditions

22. Labor and Birth at Risk

23. Postpartum Complications

24. The Newborn at Risk