
Medical Terminology: A Short Course 9th Edition Chabner ISBN: 9780323479912 TEST BANK


Test Bank for Medical Terminology: A Short Course 9th Edition Chabner


Medical Terminology: A Short Course 9th Edition Chabner ISBN: 9780323479912 TEST BANK

Test Bank for Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 9th Edition, Davi-Ellen Chabner, ISBN: 9780323824477, ISBN: 9780323824439, ISBN: 9780323824453, ISBN: 9780323479912

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Basic Word Structure
Chapter 2. Organization of the Body
Chapter 3. Suffixes
Chapter 4. Prefixes
Chapter 5. Medical Specialists and Case Reports

Appendix 1: Body Systems
Appendix 2: Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Appendix 3: Abbreviations, Acronyms, Symbols, and Eponyms
Appendix 4: Hot Topics NEW!