Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 4th Edition Dyer ISBN: 9781119763536 SOLUTION MANUAL
Solution Manual for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 4th Edition Dyer
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 4th Edition Dyer ISBN: 9781119763536 SOLUTION MANUAL
Solution Manual for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 4th Edition, Jeffrey H. Dyer, Paul C. Godfrey, Robert J. Jensen, David J. Bryce, ISBN: 1119763533, ISBN: 9781119763536
Table of Contents
Case 1. Walmart Stores: Gaining and Sustaining A Competitive Advantage
Case 2. Coca-Cola and Pepsi: The Shifting Landscape of the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry
Case 3A. ESPN in 2015: Continued Dominance in Sports Television
Case 3B. ESPN in 2021
Case 4. Southwest Airlines: Flying High with Low Costs
Case 5. Harley-Davidson: Growth Challenges Ahead
Case 6. Ecolab and the Nalco Acquisition: Sustainable Advantage Through Shared Values
Case 7. Nike: Sourcing and Strategy in Athletic Footwear
Case 8. AT&T and Apple: A Strategic Alliance
Case 9. Zoom Verses Teams
Case 10A. Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto Industry?
Case 10B. Tesla Panasonic Alliance
Case 11A. Smartphone Wars in 2013
Case 11B. Smartphone Wars in 2021
Case 12. Lincoln Electric: Aligning for Global Growth
Case 13. Icarus Revisited: The rise and fall of Valeant Pharmaceuticals
Case 14. Safe Water Network: Mastering the Model at Dzemeni
Case 15. Facebook and the US Elections
Case 16. Uber Technologies Inc.