
Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing 3rd Edition Perrin ISBN: 9780134146348 TEST BANK


Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing 3rd Edition Perrin


Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing 3rd Edition Perrin ISBN: 9780134146348 TEST BANK

Test Bank for Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing, 3rd Edition, Kathleen Perrin, Carrie MacLeod, ISBN-10: 0134146344, ISBN-13: 9780134146348

Table of Contents

1. What is Critical Care?
2. Care of the Critical Ill Patient
3. Care of the Patient with Respiratory Failure
4. Interpretation and Management of Basic Dysrhythmias
5. Cardiodynamics and Hemodynamic Regulation

6. Care of the Patient Experiencing Shock
7. Care of the Patient Experiencing Heart Failure
8. Care of the Patient Experiencing Acute Coronary Syndrome
9. Care of the Patient Following Traumatic Injury
10. Care of the Patient Experiencing an Intracranial Dysfunction

11. Care of the Patient With a Cerebral or Cerbrovascular Disorder
12. Care of the Critically Ill Patient Experiencing Alcohol Withdrawal and/or Liver Failure
13. Care of the Patient With an Acute Gastrointestinal Bleed or Pancreatitis
14. Care of the Patient with Problems in Glucose Metabolism
15. Care of the Patient with Acute Kidney Injury

16. Care of the Organ Donor and Transplant Recipient
17. Care of the Acutely Ill Burn Patient
18. Care of the Patient with Sepsis
19. Care of the ICU Patient at the End of Life